Harvest House
Harvest House is a specialist in fruit vegetables for wholesale, retail, catering and food service. Together with its growers, Harvest House offers a wide range of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. Harvest House is Europe’s largest fruit vegetable specialist with more than 1000 hectares.
In order to properly safeguard the growing need for product data, Harvest House is engaged in the selection and implementation of a Product Information Management (PIM) system. In preparation for the introduction of the new PIM system, an inventory has been made of which data is already available digitally. In sources such as Excel and Harvest House’s ERP system, only a limited amount of product data is available. This would mean that the product properties of the products would have to be entered manually into the new PIM system. Because this manually takes a lot of time, Harvest House was looking for a smart software solution in which the product data can be identified and extracted in an easy and clear manner.
The PowerEnrich solution from Squadra machine Learning Company uses artificial intelligence to understand the different phrases, spellings and abbreviations and knows how to identify and use them in a smart way for Harvest House. As a result, the product characteristics are automatically extracted from the product descriptions, which are presented to product data stewards for validation.
The system is trained on the Harvest House data model and in the languages in which the products are described. A data steward can also add rules that make the extraction even smarter.
Using the Powerenrich.ai software, Harvest House is able to include the products faster and better in its range with more specifications. The result is that more products have a richer specification and can therefore be sold faster and easier. This saves a lot of time compared to entering the properties manually. This saves time and money and ensures a higher turnover.